Cure External Hemorrhoids - How to avoid the 4 major medical outpatient treatment of hemorrhoids
Before you can cure external hemorrhoids is a good
idea to know what they are. Thrombosed external hemorrhoids are a type
of hemorrhoids that formed blood clots outside the anus just below the
skin rectally. Thrombosed external hemorrhoids are hemorrhoids that form
on the outside and they are usually easy to see and feel. Often this is the
kind the most painful hemorrhoids. They may be hard or soft depending on the
blood clot inside.
In severe cases of thrombosed external hemorrhoids
therefore be necessary to drain or surgery to remove the blood clot and relieve
natural treatment of external hemorrhoids
The treatment of external hemorrhoids requiring
medical intervention are treated by four main methods.
Medical Method 1: Sclerotherapy - this method of treatment
of thrombosed external hemorrhoids uses a chemical solution. The
chemical solution is injected into the vein thrombosis which effectively
produces inflammation and scarring and possibly reduces the hemorrhoid.
Medical Method 2: surgical removal - this is where the thrombosed
external hemorrhoids is surgically removed.
Medical Method 3: rubber band ligation - A rubber band is
tied around the hemorrhoid protruding. The rubber band stops the blood
flow to the hemorrhoid which ultimately causes to disappear.
Medical Method 4: infrared coagulation - infrared light or
laser surgery is used to literally burn the thrombosed external hemorrhoids.
Obviously, each of these treatments external hemorrhoids
has its advantages and disadvantages. As with any medical procedure these
methods involve more risk. Many of these procedures require anesthesia and so
patients may experience bleeding and discomfort after the procedure. A health
care professional is the best person to talk about your treatment options for hemorrhoids.
Hopefully, your external hemorrhoids have not been so
severe that one of the four major external hemorrhoids treatments above
is required.
By the way ... do you know how to avoid these four major external
hemorrhoids treatments hemorrhoids and be free?
The best way to avoid the 4 above medical procedures and be
free hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids is to keep your stools soft so they can
more easily pass during bowel movements. This in turn will reduce the pressure
and stress of going to the bathroom. Exercise, including walking, drinking more
water and increase fiber in your diet will also help reduce constipation and straining
by producing stools that are softer and the soft stools pass more easily during
a bowel movement.
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